Publications, studies and analyzes - herrmannconsulting (english)

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Publications, studies and analyzes

The following selection of studies/analysis shows the wide thematic spectrum of our commitment. That should give you a small but concrete and illustrative insight into our work, respectively into the way we work as well as how we present our work. For data protection reasons, we can only make available here those studies/analyses that have also been published by our clients.

Click on the PDF symbol to download the documents (all appearing in their original language).

Post Flood and Post Cyclone SIDR Emergency Relief and Early Recovery Programme Bangladesh

Evaluation (efficiency, effectiveness, relevance) of SDC's emergency relief and reconstruction program in Bangladesh after floods (north) and devastation of cyclone SIDR (south). Commissioned by SDC Regional Cooperation / Dhaka (Bangladesh) 2010

Feasibility of 'Conditional Cash Transfers' as Food Security Tool for WFP Bolivia

Feasibility Study concerning the introduction of "Conditional Cash Transfers" to supplement the Food Assistance Programme of the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in Bolivia. Commissioned by WFP Bolivia / La Paz (Bolivia) 2009

Stationary addiction therapy in Switzerland: Financing 2004/05
Nationwide survey of all inpatient (stationary) addiction therapy facilities for the years 2004 and 2005. Commissioned by the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) and the Swiss Coordination and Expert Office on Addiction (INFODROG) / Bern 2006

Balkans – Durable (Housing) Solutions and Public Infrastructure

Evaluation of the 10-year reconstruction and rehabilitation program 'DuSo' of the Swiss Confederation (1995-2005) in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo. Commissioned by the Humanitarian Aid & SHA Division of SDC / Bern 2005

Stock taking analysis of outpatient addiction counseling in Basel-City
Socio-economic analysis of all counseling centers in the alcohol and drug sector in the canton of Basel-Stadt. Commissioned by the Department of Health Basel-City / Basel 2004

Public Relations Campaign 'Facts against Prejudices'
Analysis and evaluation of the pilot phase of the public relations campaign 'Facts against Prejudice'. Commissioned by the
Department of Security Basel-Stadt / Basel 2003

Current practice of substitution treatment with methadone in Switzerland
Nationwide survey in the outpatient and inpatient addiction sector on the current practice of substitution treatment with methadone. Commissioned by the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) / Bern 2001

Inpatient addiction therapy in Switzerland: supply and financing 1995/98
Nation wide survey of the financial flows in the financing of therapy facilities in the alcohol and drug sector for the years 1995-98. Commissioned by the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) / Bern 2000

Cantonal financing mechanisms in the field of inpatient drug treatment
Nationwide survey on financing practices in the field of therapy and rehabilitation. Commissioned by the FOPH, the intercantonal coordination group 'Financing system for addiction therapy' (FiSu) and the Swiss Coordination Office for Inpatient Therapy Services in the Drug Sector (KOSTE) / Berne 1999

Seguridad Alimentaria: Impactos socio-económicos en diferentes systemas de almacenaje
Field study on the socio-economic impact of the post-harvest protection program 'Postcosecha'. Commissioned by the Honduran Ministry of Agriculture and Environment (SERNA) and SDC (COSUDE) / Tegucigalpa, Honduras 1991

Technical standards as non-tariff barriers to trade using the example of the Swiss electrical industry
Accompanying research on the effects of EC92 on the economy of the region of Northwestern Switzerland. Commissioned by the Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Institut (WWZ) of the University of Basel and the Wirtschaftsförderung BS and BL / Basel 1988

2023 © by Hannes Herrmann
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